Bernardo Botton

International Sales Market Lead
50000 / year
May 4, 1994

About Candidate

Let me start by giving you a brief context about my professional journey.

I started selling when I created a  catering service startup in 2016, and I have been passionate about it ever since. In 2019 I started providing management support for international software sales at Deloitte, focusing on Asia, Middle East and Australia. I then moved to more educational sales, with a focus on innovation, selling and delivering open and internal innovation programs for a PT company. This year I was offered an opportunity to start freelancing in education and software complex sales, in Portugal, Switzerland, France and the UK. My work at Luminous started by selling soft-skills software and has shited for sales consulting as I have the ability to work through complex environments and do end-to-end sales.

If it still makes sense, how can I help you further?


Work & Experience

International Market Lead March 1, 2023 - August 1, 2023

Strategy, Implementation, and closing deals using value and trust as a differentiator.

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